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Turkey Branch Hosts Joint Prayer Breakfast

Updated: Mar 11, 2020

One of Jesus’ parables was of the sower. Some seeds were eaten by birds, some fell on shallow soil and was burned by the sun’s heat, and others were choked out by thorns. Still, some fell on fertile soil and produced a bountiful crop. A seed was sown by Rev. Howard Guidry, former pastor of Turkey Branch Baptist Church, when he mentioned the notion of starting a prayer breakfast. That seed fell on the fertile soil of Dean Hudgins, a member of Turkey Branch. Through personal prayer and seeking the heart of God, Dean felt compelled to initiate a prayer breakfast. Her initial thought was to initiate a ladies’ prayer breakfast, but that seemed too limited and limiting. The seed sprouted, grew, and culminated in a quarterly, joint-church prayer breakfast that alternates between Turkey Branch Baptist and Bear Swamp Baptist Churches. The first of these was held the last Saturday of December 2019, at Turkey Branch Baptist Church.

Dean approached Rev. David Fambrough, pastor of Bear Swamp Baptist, and, at that time, interim pastor of Turkey Branch Baptist, to plan the prayer breakfast, using the model of the first century church’s gathering for songs, prayer, breaking bread together, and fellowship. Fliers were made and distributed, a letter was drafted and sent to Rev. John Hamm to distribute, and an article appeared in the NRBA newsletter. Eighteen individuals came and participated in the prayer time and breakfast. Rev. Fambrough facilitated the prayer time with song, Scripture reading, and guided prayers. The guided prayers followed a model of praising God, confession, repentance, thanksgiving, and petition. The prayer time was for one hour and had a broad focus praying for the churches, the community, the lonely, the sick, the lost, our nation’s political leaders, military personnel and first responders. A continental breakfast followed in the fellowship trailer adjacent to the Turkey Branch sanctuary.

The upcoming quarterly prayer breakfast will be hosted at Bear Swamp Baptist Church, Saturday, March 28, 2020, at 9 a.m. The focus of this prayer time will be on the churches, seeking God’s heart and will for each congregation and how we are to join God in the work that He has already begun. Everyone is welcome and invited. If you and/or your congregation plan to attend, it would be most helpful to notify Rev. Fambrough of your intent, AND the number planning to attend, so that enough continental breakfast food items can be provided. His contact information is:

Rev. David Fambrough


David Fambrough

Bear Swamp


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in Fulfilling
the Great Commission

3856 N Halifax Road, Rocky Mount, NC 27804

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