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Tornado Disaster Relief

Over 200 volunteers worked with NC Baptist OnMission Disaster Relief to assist families affected by the EF-3 tornado that touched down in Nash and Edgecombe counties on July 19. Nine association churches were represented in the voluteers that cleared debris and removed damaged trees and limbs from yards. They also ministered to people by praying with them and presenting a Bible to the families that needed assistance recovering from the storm.

Other association churches assisted member families and neighbors that needed help recovering from the extreme damage to their property. Dortches church served as the Baptist OnMission recovery site headquarters, provided meals for workers and neighborhood families, and setup a Red Cross recovery site. Red Oak Church opened its doors in cooperation with Red Cross to provide temporary shelter for families needing an emergency place to stay.


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Copyright 2014. North Roanoke Baptist Association

Assisting Churches
in Fulfilling
the Great Commission

3856 N Halifax Road, Rocky Mount, NC 27804

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