Sunset Avenue Baptist Church’s student ministry had the privilege of serving with Sleep In Heavenly Peace at a recent Disciple NOW weekend. This organization provides beds for children sleeping on the floor. There are several chapters of the organization throughout North Carolina. They seek to meet the very basic needs of children and families in local communities.
Sunset Avenue Baptist Church’s student ministry partnered with their local chapter in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Their students were able to build around sixty beds during a four hour build on a Saturday morning. This experience allowed the students to see the needs of the community around them and empowered them to help meet the need. It demonstrates the very basics of having compassion and love for those that God has placed around you. The students at Sunset Avenue Baptist Church have served in different ways over the past few years and it is always something that excites them. Some of the opportunities involved on their build day were cutting boards, sanding, drilling, constructing, and staining head boards. There are many opportunities to serve that involve a majority of ages during the build days.
Neil Woodcock