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Spring Meeting Report

Updated: Apr 12, 2019

The Spring Meeting on April 6 was very informative and productive. Avalon was a wonderful host and the choir did an amazing job. Reports were presented by Rev. Howard Guidry, Assets Management Team Leader; Dr. Jim Whitehead, Disaster/Handyman Ministry Coordinator; and Rev. James smith, Enlistment Team Leader. The financial report was very encouraging with church contributions continuing to increase. With that in mind, motions were approved to replace the association office roof and level the floors at an additional non-budgeted expense of $17,000. A motion also passed to accept designated receipts through Sept. from association churches and church members for Disaster Relief / Handyman equipment and tools. The newly purchased trailer that is partially equipped was on display at the meeting for messengers to see the progress made so far.

Dr. Bill Mackey, Leadership Development Consultant for Fruitland Baptist Bible College shared information about the association partnership with Fruitland; the satellite program in Rocky Mount; and the impact that Biblical Counseling has had on his life. Rev. Mike Greene, Pastor of Biblical Counseling at Richland Creek in Wake Forest presented the value, need, and blessing of Biblical Counseling as believer’s minister to one another. Addition Fruitland Biblical Counseling Classes will be scheduled later this year at the association office for pastors and lay leaders interested in this ministry.


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Copyright 2014. North Roanoke Baptist Association

Assisting Churches
in Fulfilling
the Great Commission

3856 N Halifax Road, Rocky Mount, NC 27804

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