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Joy Enrichment Camp

Updated: Aug 14, 2019

Joy Camp Enrichment Program is an 8-week course designed to empower, enrich and educate its scholars. JCEP was created with one key founding principal in mind, “train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it” Proverbs 22:6.  JCEP empowers and enriches the lives of its scholars first with through the word of God. There is a daily faith based study session to educate them on the basic biblical instruction and all students were required to learn the the Model Prayer, 23 Psalms and all books of the bible.  The children were encouraged to lead the sessions.  

JCEP also trains the child for the future by educating them on the principals of today.  We provided math and reading enhancement sessions to circumvent summer learning loss. Summer learning loss is where students lose academic skills over the summer which increases the achievement gap statistically noted especially in poverty stricken areas.  From pre-testing to post testing 98% of our students have shown improvement.  JCEP will continue to be committed to the whole well-being of each scholar, academically, socially and spiritually.

Shelton Daniel

Greater Joy


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