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Halifax county Churches Working Together

Updated: Aug 28, 2019

Bear Swamp, Turkey Branch, Antioch, Darlington, Community Center, and Halifax are small historic churches. However, each congregation is blessed to have a faithful bi-vocational or retired pastor. The pastors and their spouses have been meeting together quarterly since Sept. of 2018 in order to find ways to build relationships, pray, encourage one another, and work together.

Thus far, these churches have found ways to serve the Lord together by inviting the neighboring congregations to join them in a Gospel Singing, Easter Sunrise Service and Breakfast, Passover Seder Service, Spring Revival, and a Fish Fry. Individual churches have begun the process of Prayer Riding their local communities. We are looking forward to the ways that the Lord will use this spirit of cooperation in the future.


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Copyright 2014. North Roanoke Baptist Association

Assisting Churches
in Fulfilling
the Great Commission

3856 N Halifax Road, Rocky Mount, NC 27804

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