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Community Fun Day in Halifax

Updated: Dec 5, 2019

On the Lord's leading and after much prayer we felt inspired to setup a day to invite local children to come out and play in the park.

We invested in the Outreach Trailer [The NRBA shares the outreach trailers with Tar River and Flat River Association] and planned to use the bounce houses and snow cone machine. We provided snacks and snow cones prior to and after lunch. For lunch we had hotdogs, chips, and cookies, along with water. During Lunch Emily presented a simple Gospel message to the kids and adults present. Approximately 50 people were in attendance.

As the adults and kids left, we presented them with a gift bag which included Christian stickers, Gospel tracks, a Bible, and book marks. We were able to connect with up to 35 children from the surrounding county as well several hundred folks on Facebook. We plan to continue to reach to these contacts in coming days and to pray for the seeds we planted.

It was an awesome event for a church with no children in a town where few children live. God is good all the time!

Timothy Jones


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Copyright 2014. North Roanoke Baptist Association

Assisting Churches
in Fulfilling
the Great Commission

3856 N Halifax Road, Rocky Mount, NC 27804

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