The NRBA partnered with South Roanoke, West Chowan, Tar River Associations, and the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina to have a Church Revitalization Conference featuring Dr. Richard Blackaby and Dr. Rick Fisher from Blackaby Ministries International. The event was held at Trinity Church in Tarboro on Saturday, May 19th. There were 180 people registered from many churches in the area. All who attended the event found the information very practical and useful in their church setting.
The NRBA Prayer Team purchased a copy of "Developing a Powerful Praying Church" for every pastor in the Association. Also, the Church Life Team purchased a copy of "Flickering Lamps: Christ & His Church" by Henry and Richard Blackaby, and "Living Out of the Overflow: Serving Out of Your Intimacy with God" for each Association pastor. John Hamm is in the process of distributing these materials at this time. As a result, every congregation will be able to benefit from this training event.