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Benvenue Drive-In Worship

I have a framed sign hanging in my office that was given to me years ago. This sign says, “Whatever It Takes.” Those words sum up my very first Drive-In Church in my 33 years of pastoring churches. Social distancing guidelines caused our church leadership to start thinking outside of the box. We could no longer meet in our building for a period of time. We prayed and sought clarity from God. What could we do? We knew that God is not limited by a building. And, God can certainly use many different platforms of Gospel presentations. We knew that we could not gather in our church building for at least several weeks. I had heard of the Drive-In Church model. Our church leadership said, “Let’s do it!”

We worshiped Drive-In style for the first time on March 29, 2020. God moved in awesome ways. The majority of our people were there and we reached many guests as well. Everyone loved it and we intend on continuing until we can get back inside our building. Our people were engaged. They honked their horns every time they wanted to say, “Amen.” We also live-streamed on Facebook Live. God is up to something big in these pandemic days.

Mike Creekmore



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Copyright 2014. North Roanoke Baptist Association

Assisting Churches
in Fulfilling
the Great Commission

3856 N Halifax Road, Rocky Mount, NC 27804

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