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Assets Management Team

Updated: Aug 28, 2019

We are thankful for those who serve on our ministry teams. Teams function differently from committees. A Team has the freedom to make decisions and complete its responsibilities within the guidelines of its job description and budget. This allows for greater flexibility and the ability to respond more quickly in fulfilling ministry needs and opportunities.

A good example of team ministry has been our Assets Management Sub-Team (former Properties Committee). The leader typically finds a time when everyone can meet at the NRBA office once or twice a year. The team goes over a list of repairs or improvements that need addressing; decide who can do the work; and the projects are then quickly completed. The team members have done most of the work themselves saving the association thousands of dollars in recent years.

They see the maintenance of the association office as an important ministry because of the lives effected by the decisions routinely made in meeting with pastors, church leaders and committees, as well as association ministries. In addition, representatives of neighboring associations, state-wide ministries such as the Baptist Foundation and the Baptist Children's Homes, etc., and Baptist State Convention personnel often come by our office, conduct training events, and gather for meetings.

Rev. Howard Guidry, who has served as the team leader for several years summarizes, "Our team feels that the appearance and condition of our association's building and grounds represents more than a material asset. As the case with each of our member churches, it forms one's first impression of our association and speaks volumes as to our association's level of commitment to the Lord's work."



Copyright 2014. North Roanoke Baptist Association

Assisting Churches
in Fulfilling
the Great Commission

3856 N Halifax Road, Rocky Mount, NC 27804

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