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Appalachian Regional Backpack Ministry

Updated: Jan 8, 2019

The NRBA office served as a collection point for the collection of backpacks for the NC Baptists on Mission Appalachian Regional Backpack Ministry. Backpacks are filled with personal hygiene, clothing, food, toys, Bibles and the Christmas story for children in high poverty areas in WV, VA, PA, NC and KY. For the children receiving these backpacks, the only Christmas that they will know this year will be contained in these backpacks. Most importantly, they will learn about the Christ of Christmas.

Darlington Church led our involvement in this ministry by collecting 72 backpacks and pointing out the need for a regional collection. Community Center, Red Oak and other regional congregations also provided backpacks making a total of 148. They were delivered to the Red Springs Baptist on Mission Camp. Over 14,400 Christmas backpacks were collected across North Carolina, Dewey Aiken, NC Backpack Ministry Director said . "We are grateful for each one that participated in this evangelistic outreach."

John Hamm


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Copyright 2014. North Roanoke Baptist Association

Assisting Churches
in Fulfilling
the Great Commission

3856 N Halifax Road, Rocky Mount, NC 27804

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