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2023 Association Fall Meeting

The meeting was held at Arlington church on October 26th.

The following is a brief report of the meeting:

-- Modifications were approved in the By-laws which more clearly define the work of the association in strengthening churches. We do this by encouraging one another in the biblical mandate of making disciples, by presenting a positive environment in which it is easy to be engaged in an outward focused ministry, and by growing stronger by working together.

-- The Prayer Team presented a professional quality video showing how prayer groups are being organized to pray for schools and communities.

-- The Glorymen Quartet led us in worship proclaiming a wondering message through song.

-- Tom Kakadelis, NC Family Council, shared the value and importance of proclaiming, voting, and living biblical values in our culture.

We thank Arlington church for their hospitality.


Copyright 2014. North Roanoke Baptist Association

Assisting Churches
in Fulfilling
the Great Commission

3856 N Halifax Road, Rocky Mount, NC 27804

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