This training could compliment the equipping ministry of your pastor as I work with him to best fit this into the ministry schedule and needs of your church (Ephesians 4:11-16). In each of these practical training events, you will likely discover some strategy, procedure, principle or policy that could be utilized in your own personal growth or could be adapted to meet your church's specific situation. The following is a partial list of some of the many training topics that I would be pleased to share at your request:
Business Meetings that Edify the Body of Christ
Church Finances: Procedures and Policies, Minister's Compensation
Church Health: Essential Attitudes of the Healthy Congregation; Removing Barriers to Church Growth
Developing an Effective Leadership Ministry: The success or failure of church ministry depends upon the effectiveness of small leadership groups - whether called teams, councils, deacons, elders, committees, etc. We will focus on how to edify the body of Christ.
Deacon Training: Biblical Role, Ministry Skills, Unifying the Church
Equipping for Ministry: Leadership Styles; Leadership Essentials; Servant Leadership; Church Leadership Principles; Costs of Leadership; Spiritual gifts; Leadership Skills
Lay Counseling: Equipping the Body to Minister to One Another
Missions Trips: How Mission Trips Benefit your Church; Preparing and Organizing a Mission Trip; Various Mission Trip Presentations
Revitalization: Managing Change; How to be a Turnaround Church
Risk Management and Church Incorporation
Church Conflict Management Workshops
Sunday School: Basics of Sunday School and Small Groups
Vision for Ministry: Acquiring and Sharing a God-Given Vision; Transformational Church Process (Discovering Our Future Together)