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Beautiful Landscape



7th, 7:00 PM- Tar Chaplaincy Meeting

9th, 9:00 AM - Tar Heel Leadership Seminar, Clemmons Campus

10th, 10:00 AM - InJoy Board Member Meeting, NRBA

21st, 10 AM - Senior Adult  Coordinator's Meeting





3rd, 7:00 PM - Tar Chaplaincy Meeting

6th, 9:00 AM - Tar Heel Leadership Seminar

11th, 10:00 AM - WMU Leader's Meeting

13th, 2:00 PM - Ordination Council Meeting, NRBA 

17th, 6:30 PM - Renewing Worship Roundtable, NRBA

25th, 10:00 AM - Sr. Adult Coordinator's Meeting

25th, 12 NN - Church Life Team Meeting, Pizza Inn


4th, 7:00 PM - Tar Chaplaincy Meeting

6th, 9:00 AM - Tar Heel Leadership Seminar

10th, 10:30 AM - WMU Meeting, Dortches Church

17th, 10:00 AM - Prayer Team Meeting, NRBA

18th, 10:00 AM - Sr. Adult Coordinator's Meeting




Baptist Children's Home Food Roundup

1st, 7:00 PM - Tar Chaplaincy Meeting

3rd, 9:00 AM - Tar Heel Leadership Seminar




1st, 9:00 AM - Tar Heel Leadership Seminar

6th, 11:00 AM - Senior Adult Spring Luncheon

6th, 7:00 PM - Tar Chaplaincy Meeting

20th, NOON - Ministers' Roundtable led by Kenny Lamm (Worship & Music             Leader, BSCNC)




3rd, 7:00 PM - Tar Chaplaincy Meeting

6th, 7:00 PM - Tar Heel Leadership Seminar




1st, 7:00 PM - Tar Chaplaincy Meeting





4th, 7:00 PM - Tar Chaplaincy Meeting

7th, 9:00 AM - Tar Heel Leadership Seminar




2nd, 7:00 PM - Tar Chaplaincy Meeting

4th, 9:00 AM - Tar Heel Leadership Seminar




2nd, 9:00 AM - Tar Heel Leadership Seminar

7th, 7:00 PM - Tar Chaplaincy Meeting



4th, 7:00 PM - Tar Chaplaincy Meeting

13th, 9:00 AM - Tar Heel Leadership Seminar, Clemmons Campus


2nd, 11:00 AM - Senior Adult Christmas Luncheon

2nd, 7:00 PM - Tar Chaplaincy Meeting


Copyright 2014. North Roanoke Baptist Association

Assisting Churches
in Fulfilling
the Great Commission

3856 N Halifax Road, Rocky Mount, NC 27804

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