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May 28, 2020
Advantages of Training Opportunities
Training follows the example of Jesus the Master Teacher as He trained the disciples. Training utilizes the vast resources available to...

May 28, 2020
Pastor Ricky Sorie at Dawson Drive-in Service
Dawson is an example of many churches utilizing FM transmitter and Facebook Live for their drive-in service.

May 28, 2020
Arlington Drive-in Church
Pastor Mike Stamper greets worshipers at Arlington before an outstanding drive-in service.

May 13, 2020
Partnerships in Providing Food for the Community
Word Tabernacle partnered with Inter-Faith Food Shuttle,The REACH Center, and a few other community partners last Thursday, May 7, for...

May 6, 2020
Church Offers Drive-through Prayers
We are running it from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. each Wednesday, at least until we are able to get back to regular church services. But it has...

May 6, 2020
Greater Joy Lunch Giveaway
Greater Joy Baptist Church At 820 Nashville Road and Dominos Pizza gave away FREE pizza on Thursday, April 16. No one was allowed to get...

May 6, 2020
Nashville, "Thank you, Frontliners!"
We can't thank our front line workers enough! Last Tuesday, we had the honor of supporting our front line workers at Eastern NC Medical...

May 6, 2020
Englewood Mask Distribution
Several of our members have donated to the mask making ministry while while several other members have been hard at work preparing these...

Apr 15, 2020
NorthSide Sunrise Drive-in Worship
NorthSide celebrating Resurrection Sunday via FaceBook live and with their drive-in worship service.

Apr 15, 2020
Southside Drive-in Worship
Southside church celebrating Resurrection Sunday with their drive-in service.

Apr 9, 2020
Social Distancing / Isolation: NCBAM Offers Hope
NCBAM’s “Hope Line” offers a friendly ear to older adults experiencing social distancing, social isolation, or loneliness. Since 2019,...

Mar 31, 2020
Benvenue Drive-In Worship
I have a framed sign hanging in my office that was given to me years ago. This sign says, “Whatever It Takes.” Those words sum up my very...

Mar 19, 2020
Nashville Deacons Utilize NRBA Resource Center for Retreat
Nashville Baptist had an outstanding deacons retreat at the NRBA Office and Resource Center. The NRBA building is available for churches...

Mar 19, 2020
Fruitland Graduates Share the Gospel in Nursing Home Ministry
Tabernacle Church ministers Robert Farmer, Beatrice Battle, and Bertha Smith have each completed the 2 yr. Christian Leadership training...

Mar 11, 2020
Benefits of Training Opportunities
1. Training follows the example of Jesus the Master Teacher as He trained the disciples. 2. Training utilizes the vast resources...

Mar 11, 2020
Praying Every Single Day at InJoy
Since InJoy opened for business over 6 years ago, the volunteers and staff have gathered for prayer every single workday at 9:45 am...

Mar 11, 2020
Benefits of Going on a Mission Trip
1. We experience an opportunity to minister to others by sharing the love of Christ. 2. We develop a better understanding of “missions”...

Mar 11, 2020
A Night We All Look Forward To
What can be more delicious than a home-cooked meal? … A home cooked meal with your church family, of course! This is what we do every...

Mar 4, 2020
A Place of Grace Ministry
Melvin Wolf leads a Place of Grace Ministry which gives away medical equipment. If you have good quality medical equipment (e.g....

Feb 26, 2020
Kingdom-focused Prayer
The most effective way in which we can support one another in ministry is through prayer. As we engage in Kingdom-focused prayer which...
North Roanoke Baptist Association
Assisting Churches in Fulfilling the Great Commission
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